Monday 11-08-04

Today at lunch I was talking to our shop teacher, and asked if he had a biscuit jointer (I already figured the answer was no since he was drilling dowel holes for a project he was working on a couple weeks ago) and he said yes, that his tool order came in and there was a brand new biscuit jointer in the order.  I asked if I could borrow it and he said yes.  So, I have a biscuit jointer to use to make my mirror surrounds.

I am going to use some oak rosettes on the corners of two of the mirrors if they work out right.  I bought a bag of each size biscuits for the shop teacher since I get to borrow it.

When I got to the house, I sanded the corners in the Master Bathroom and then cut some 1x4 oak for the back splash on the computer counter upstairs since dad stained the original one the wrong color.  I then took the one that was the wrong color and started cutting it up for the kick plates in the kitchen.  I had enough to to a couple sections, and then took some bare oak and cut up a few more pieces.  Right now I have the kick plates made for the right side of the stove, left side of the stove, angled piece to the left of that.  On the other side, I have the one under the sink made, and the one to the right of the dishwasher that is angled.  I have oak left for the sides where the doorway is, but don't know how long to make them since I don't have the side pieces on the those cabinets.  We will put those on tomorrow.  I will be short enough oak to do the small cupboards with the draws on either side of the doorway and the island.

Dad stained all the bare oak and sealed it the correct colors.

I then put the keystones all the doors downstairs except for the front door which I forgot.

I then started working on the shelf for above the kitchen entry way and after getting the bare shelf cut out realized that there would not be enough room above the shelf so I decided to put the shelf on the West wall of the dining room.  I made the supports and then tried to decide how long to make the shelf.  I was going to make it 5' 1 1/2" but the decorative thingy I am going to put on it is only 4 feet long.  So, I think I will make the shelf about 4' 1" long and round the edges and set the decorative rail back where the rounded edge stops.  I took a picture of what I have done so far.

I also used the pin nailer to attach the back piece to the support piece that is cut out.

Tomorrow I will probably finish the shelf and finish what I can in the kitchen until I can get some more oak.  Wednesday we will probably fix the door going into the computer room and finish the molding in the game room and get all that painted.  Thursday I will get the rest of the molding I need along with my corner blocks when they come in and try and get that stuff put in.  Friday I want to get it painted and Saturday I want to get everything finished that still needs painted and Sunday clean the house.

